December 29, 2009

Our new Christmas photo and more.....

This was actually one of the last pictures Marylou took,
so Cleo is not really too happy but I LOVE her expression!!!!

Christmas Day- Merry Christmas Everyone!!

We got the tree free from the Christmas tree lot that I
worked at over the Season!! Yeah, the star is a bit crooked
but that's ok- our tree was beeoooteeeful!!

WITH the flash- yes, Saila got a new bike for Christmas!!

I just kinda like this picture....

Dada posing on her bike....

Christmas day and LOVING it!!

Johnny approved!

Tired Dad on the couch.....

Shadow eating one of the bones from his stocking!

They were happy and that's all that matters
to me!

December 16, 2009

Santa Was At the Mall and Really Cool Pictures Of My Backyard....

Yeah, the line was long but there is sooo much
crap to see that it's all good....

Um.....the Angels....

Godiva Chocolates had some HUGE strawberries
dipped in chocolate.....yummy!

Oopsy! Shadow weewee, sorry! But I do LOVE
it when my doggie is comfortable!

The gorgeous pear tree

My jade is blooming beautifully!

FINALLY Cutting Johnny's Hair!!

Ok, how did it get sooo long AGAIN??

Half way thru- I almost left it like this, hahaha!!

Yay!! What a CUTIE!!

It makes him look older and his shoulders
look wider and just makes him look handsome!!

With Loulou and Paul!

My boy is SOOOOO tall for 11 years old!!!

A silver buckeye tree by the restaurant

My girl and me- what a pretty she is!

Robbie John and me

Rocky's Cafe where we like to eat breakfast when we
visit Loulou and Paul

Yes. He IS that tall!!

Hahahaha!! Rob you are a ROCK STAR!!

Before we left, we went to see the Ocean

Johnny in the fading sun.....

Saila is absolutely ENCHANTED by the Ocean!!
She is a West Coast girl, all the way!!

Shadow goes NUTS on the beach, he likes to
run and run and run and run and run and run and run....

Low tide....