April 12, 2009

Easter Things

Easter egg hunt day at Saila's school!

I thot this picture was sooo funny! This is her box
at school and OF COURSE there is a little snail
there on the top of her cubicle! The girl is waaaay
into bugs!!

Saila and her friend Elizabeth

Miss Patti and the Easter Bunny!

Saila would NOT sit on his lap for a photo
but she was ok being in the group picture

Some of the flowers around Saila's school

I didn't even notice the rain drops until I saw
these pictures on the computer! It was a rainy day
and all the kids went for a walk around the block
so the parents who stayed back at the school could
hide all the eggs.

Putting eggs in the bucket

There was no candy allowed in the eggs that all
us parents had to bring and it was super fun
to see all the "alternative" goodies that were

Ok, this was this morning- Easter Morning.
This is the scene I woke up to!!


We had a picnic at Sunol for Easter Day.
Of course my parents chose the BEST spot
EVER! All secluded from the masses of people,
in the shade, and near a field of purple flowers!

The picnic site

I tried to take a picture of the field but it didn't
turn out so good. Real life is better that pictures.
But here is a close up of the flowers that were
making the field purple/blue

Just Johnny and Saila took off up this really
big hill that was behind us. Rob, Shadow, and I
ended up climbing it after they were at the top and it was SUPER
CRAZY steep!!!! We let them go because it was a bonding/
team work experience for them and I must say
that I am super Proud of my hiking kids!

Our picnic table

Loulou and Paul

Me and Robbie Rob

Pink clover was every where!

This is LITERALLY how steep the hill was
and this was at a point where I could stop and take a
picture because it got steeper than this!

The kids were waiting for us at the top

I've been trying to capture the shine of the sun
on the glossy petals of the buttercups that are growing
every where right now and this is my best attempt
so far

The CUTEST dog in all the world! Shadow!

My Mama and Papa
or Grandma and Papa

Me and my sister Auntie Loulou

She wanted to pose in front of the tree with the kitty
she got in her Easter basket and he wanted
to be hugging the tree (his shirt is caught in his
shorts, that's not his belly!!)

Saila and Marylou among the wild flowers

At super close inspection, there were TONS of different
teeny tiny flowers beneath our feet. This is a "bug's eye
view" of just a tiny section of the teeny beauty going on!

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