August 11, 2009

Poem by Johnny Keohan

This is a poem that Johnny's teacher helped him write when
he was is 1st grade. I think it's adorable and it's hanging
up on the wall in our living room. I just thot I'd share it with
all of you.....(I LOVE this!!)

I Am
By Johnny Keohan

I am an artist and a big brother.
I wonder about what is inside me.
I hear cars around my house.
I see my dog every day.
I want a boa constrictor.
I am an artist and a big brother.

I pretend to be a dog.
I feel rain in the air.
I touch my dog.
I worry about my baby sister because something could happen to her.
I cry when I get a shot.
I am an artist and a big brother.

I understand my math.
I say that everyone should brush their teeth.
I dream that I can be a bug scientist.
I try to be a good basketball player.
I hope that I will live a long life.
I am an artist and a big brother.

1 comment:

  1. Keep posting those great shots! You are truly an artist and a writer. Love, Mama
