We took the kids to the snow!! This is the first morning at
our motel in Tahoe City. They both could not WAIT to get
out in it!! And this was just a little patch of it!

An Alpaca that was roaming the streets with her

The first little snow sculpture that we built

While Rob and Johnny were bombing each other
with snowballs, us girls were building this little

Tucker Snocat!

We didn't know it but we made it to "Snow Fest"
which is a snow festival up at the lake! This was part of
the parade they had Saturday afternoon!

Then, of course, we went took the kids to the "hills"
with saucers and sleds! Saila is a TOTAL Snow Bunny!!
She LOVED the snow and was a non-stop MANIAC!!

Johnny has No Fear of any hill!!

These were the two little hills.....they don't look that
steep at this angle but when you slide of a spinning
saucer, you go FAST!!

Johnny by the fire pit and the snow mobiles

His gloves were pretty wet and the fire pit was SOOO
hot!! His gloves were steaming!

Saila came down the hill and you can see Dada
in the distance...

Saila sliding all by herself!

Johnny playing Snowball Basketball!

Rob has years of experience throwing snowballs but
Johnny has pretty good aim too!

Day 2: Saila brot Sweetie Belle to experience the snow!

Lake Tahoe in March

The water is so beautifully clear!

The kids with their hot chocolates

My boy!!

My girl!!

Rob being a stud-muffin, Rock Star Dad with the
video camera!

Johnny took these pictures....I think he was
amazed by the water

The Donner Party statue marker....

Donner Lake.....just GORGEOUS!!

The thick, thick snow....that is a covered train
track winding into the mountain!

The snow was even deeper than this in some
places!! I don't think I've EVER seen it this deep!
This trip was Beautiful, Gorgeous, Amazing and soooo
much Fun!! I want to go back!!
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