Meeting my son for the first time changed my life
forever! I felt like the luckiest person in the world!!

Johnny's first day

This in one of his first toys and the blanket that
my grandma crocheted for him.

Johnny just waking up from a nap, he was ALWAYS
so happy to see me!!

Johnny's first Christmas in Florida 1998
(where does the time go?)

At Nana Di's house on Christmas morning- he
looks a little blown away!

He was sooo PROUD to be standing on his own
(with help from the wall) and you can see
it in his beautiful eyes!!

Johnny's first Halloween, he was a Vampire! I drew
sooo many spiders on his diapers, he was wearing
spider diapers for weeks after!

About 2 years old, at the Oakland Zoo. He thought
the goats were SO FUNNY!!

At a zoo in Boston, I like this picture because
we are in a spider web!

Our last trip to Grandma's house in Michigan.
From left to right: Cara, Marylou, Johnny, Linda (me),
Dana, and Mandy- I think it was the summer of 2000?

Flowers he made on his doodle thangy

At Your Beach with my boy!

At a beach that Marylou likes, when I was taking
black and white photography. My kids LOVE the Ocean!

Hiking at Garin. This is the almond tree that I LOVED. It
went down a few years ago but not before I painted a
painting of it. It reminded me of a prince saving his princess-
if you look closely you can see her hips (twisting back, towards the base) and
his arm around her and the top of his head is the knot that is
above Johnny's head in this picture.

Kassi took this when we all went to the Monterey Bay
Aquarium. He's 4 in this picture.

4 years old, his Pre-school picture.
This is when he was known as "Johnny Curls," right?

I need to research what these flowers are called but we saw
them at the Botanical Gardens in Tilden Park.

Me and Johnny on the back deck, December 2003

Johnny Rising Keohan, Kindergarten 2003

A photo from a field trip his Kindergarten class went on.
They went all the way out to San Francisco to the Teddy Bear
Factory and he made a Ninja Bear.

Johnny on the First Day of Kindergarten! Now he is almost
done with 5th grade! Time goes by sooo fast!
Every moment with Johnny and Saila is so very, very
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