These pictures are in no particular order. Each and
everyone of them say a thousand words. I will try and
copy down what each picture says on the back IF there
is anything written. For the one of Marylou under
the table at Grandma and Grandpa's house I just want
to say that ALL the grandkids LOVED being under

Grandma took this one of her violets. She loved
her violets and she had the PERFECT sunny
window for them! Some day I'm going to have
a little violet collection of my own!

On the back of this one, Grandma wrote: "Good picture
of Musselman's house (back of us) and our back yard
and our pine trees. Last summer" 1983

My mom wrote: "Alberto Lens, after Gall Bladder
operation July 25, 1980 Hayward, Ca. 'The Pirate'
Artichoke pland and Mary Lou's head"

Marylou, August 1977

Grandma in the backyard, folding laundry
off the line. I used to watch her doing this all the
time. She never asked us to help fold and I
know now that it's because we all have our own
special way of folding laundry- I do!

My handsome Grandpa. I think this is either late
70's or early 80's.

My beautiful Mama

This is me by my Grandpa's garden in Michigan.

Marylou at a few months old with one of our
home-made Raggedy Ann dolls.

"Mary Lens, Mary Lou Lens 4 months
Linda Lens 2 years 4 months
House- Hayward Dec. 1976"

Grandpa holding Marylou in 1976
in Michigan

"Linda 2 years 4 months"

My mom said she remembers taking this
picture of Marylou and me.

Bringing Marylou home from the hospital.
My first time meeting my little sister.

Believe it or not, I can remember this day.

Wearing my Grandpa's hat

Grandpa's amazing garden- we all MISS that
garden and it's beautiful bounties! I've always
LOVED vegetables and I think it's because we
always had them made fresh from love.

My Great Grandma Rippey, on my Grandmother's
side. I have a pillow like hers!

At the beach with my Papa and my sister-
we have always loved the Ocean.

We were cute but oh, so naughty!!

My gorgeous, gorgeous Aunt Jayne!
I LOVE this picture!!

More recent but still one that I love of Marylou
and me probably some where out in nature.

My Robbie John at the cabin on Lake Eerie.
What a CUTIE!!
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