My oldest sister Rosy and my dad. Here she is about
20 years old? Or possible 18...

My beautiful sister Rosy

Rosy and my dad. Look at the amazing Bolivian
sky! Is it always like this because this is the
kind of sky that I like!

From left to right: my cousin Fernando, my Tio Carlos,
my cousin Miriam, I'm not sure who that guys in the
back with the sunglasses is (someone tell me!) and
my Tia Zenobia.

Fabiola, Nano, Zenobia, Carlos, Mini, Marita (in red),
Rosy, and my dad

My Tio Wily, Fabiola, Marita, Zenobia, Mini, Tio Carlos,
Nano and Rosy

Papa in Bolivia


My Tia Cristi, Zenobia, Nano, Tio Carlos,
and Mini (before Chalo was born!)

My dad and his older brother, my Tio Tomas

My Tia Cristi

My dad's mother, my Grandma Lens-
when she was visiting from Bolivia. She was
visiting because I was born.

My Grandma Lens

My Grandma Lens

My Grandma Maria Lens

These are pictures from my Grandmothers funeral-
even tho this was a sad time, these pictures are really
nice. (Zenobia, Chalo, Pep, Mini, Pepe's wife, my dad,
Nano, and family)

The men: my brother Tito, my dad, Tio Tomas,
Tio Carlos, and Tio Waly

My brother and my dad

My uncle, my Tio Carlos

My aunt, my Tia Zenobia

Baby Chalo

Little Mini

Little Nano

I love these pictures!
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