We spent the night at Loulou's in Felton! Here is
Robbie looking so cute while he's sleeping, hee hee!!

Before we left, we stopped at a fruit and vegetable stand
by the Ocean and bought the most DELICIOUS corn,
wax beans and a HUGE green pumpkin!! Five ears of
corn for a dollar is pretty good! This was a neat
sculpture right next to the stand.

Saila with her Auntie Loulou

We were right on Highway 1

The Moon, the cliffs, the Ocean and the Sky!!
(the road too!)

Rob took all of these pictures- very nice! We bought
one of these green pumpkins- they are bright orange
inside and good for cooking!

P. House with a pumpkin!!

Strawberry Johnny, yo!

Sweetie Saila

Rob is such a good picture taker!! I LOVE this!

Wow. Can you believe it?? This is how TALL
Johnny is getting!!!!!! (He is standing next to Paul
and Paul is SUPER tall!)
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