Day 3, we took Grandma Mona and Grams to the
Big Trees at Henry Cowell State Park. We had a picnic
and then meandered thru the Big trees. Here is
Grandma Mona resting in the sun

One of my favorite flowers, Forget-Me-Nots!
They got a little blown out by the sun (my camera's
fault) but if you look closely you can see two blue
damselflies (like Dragonflies) and a honeybee too!

This is a cross-section of a tree that Nature
created BEFORE the birth of Jesus.

Johnny, Mona, and Grams by a huge grouping
of redwood

Johnny, Saila, and Auntie Loulou

Purple Wood Sorrel of the forest

Johnny thru the "window"

Rob and Saila peeking

Saila with her Grandma's and Great Grandma

Saila floating thru the redwoods like
a little wood nymph

Rob and me- the Redwoods are so romantic!

Mama and Papa with the trees

Tree roots, long down. If you look closely you can
see all kinds of shapes in the roots.

Can you imagine standing beneath this
magical tree?

Get past the door and about 10 people can stand up
inside this giant tree! It's been like this for so
long that the bark is growing over the "door" and
in probably 50 years the "door" will be no more.

A bright and reflective flower below the trees

Banana slug!

Pretty little Saila girl

Johnny, watching the trees

The king Monster of the forest! My dad's
favorite and one where when you see it,
you want to LIVE in it!!
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