On Friday we went to the Jelly Belly factory. This is
Saila and Rob at the "Sample Bar," where you could sample
any flavor you wanted.

Johnny, Rob, and Saila wearing the Mandatory
hats- sorry no camera's allowed inside the factory. I was
bummed too because I really, really wanted to take
a picture of the Oompa Loompas because they
looked so different from the movie, it was
interesting- they had funny shoes too.

Killer Jelly Bellies hangen from the ceiling!!

No kidding- we bought $50 worth of Jelly
Bellies and we were sick of them THAT night!!

We ate dinner at The Blue Frog- I like this statue

The boys and their beers
(yes, Johnny has rootbeer!)

Us girls and our drinks!

The kids relaxing in the room, watching the
Three Stooges

My TIRED boy!!

A flower outside the place we stayed

Then we cruised on over to the City again and went
to the Aquarium by the Bay- the one at Pier 39

These jellyfish are SOO big!!

Other beautiful ghost jellies

No flash photography is allowed in the tunnels
so my pictures came out kinda blurry. It is really
fun because you get to have fish and sharks swimming
all around you.

My favorite little guy, only blurry

She LOVED this!

The Bat rays! They would stick their heads out of
the water to get a better look at us! It was sooo awesome
how they would swim by to be petted- so curious!

Outside of the Hard Rock Cafe in the City


My sweeties!

The sea lions are STILL out there

Some strange yellow, petal-less flowers by the Bay
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