I'm hoping to make some blackberry jam this Summer, there
are some berries on the plants but mostly these gorgeous
smelling white flowers!

The pond at Garin.....lots of things change but this pond still
remains the same after all this time.

The Weeping Willow tree- I Love this tree!

Because of all the rain, the creek still has a lot of water.

The kids on one of the bridges

The steps up out of the forest....still the same!

A buckeye tree in bloom

This is the stump of one of my most favorite trees
at Garin. It used to be an Almond tree that started falling
over the path till they finally cut it (or it fell). The trunk was
really twisted looking and it reminded me of a boy saving a girl
in his arms, swinging away. I even painted this tree....

Some sticks left of the tree.....you better believe I
saved some of those and they are at my house!

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