This picture is actually from Friday morning, some time
after 7am. The clouds coming in from the Ocean looked
like mountains or a huge tsunami!

All the peas left over from Johnny's science project are
now in pots and will hopefully entwine themselves around
the trellis here on the deck.

Saturday was "Alumni Day" at Saila's preschool. She got
to visit her preschool teacher Miss Patti and see a lot of
her friends and plaaaay!

Here is what the bug that Rob and I painted looks
like now......holding up ok but needs retouching!

Elizabeth and Lori

Eddie being silly- HE even went here loooong ago!
(Well, not THAT long ago!)

Miss Patti with the kids

Grace reading the kids a really cool book before
snack time!

Saila and Sofia dancing at "circle time!"

Saila telling Miss Patti and the kids all about
Kindergarten- she said the thing she liked most was
playing at recess (ma girl!) and there was nothing
that she didn't like about Kindergarten!


Then it was off to Anna's Baby Shower (my friend Stephanie's
neice). Here are the onesies I made for Anna's baby girl.

Krissy, Anna, and Steph

The little ones

Tata and me

Tata, Anna, and Anna's baby girl (inside!)

Tata's Mama and Tata
(pretty picture, you guys!!!!)

Back at home we found a Black Swallowtail butterfly
caterpillar on the fennel. We had to google him to make
sure he wasn't poisonous. He is SOOO cute, when he
gets mad he shoots out two orange horns from his head!!
(We aren't taking him to live in the house! Don't worry,
he still lives on the fennel!)

My tomatoes are HUGE!!

Squash is coming!

Cleo getting some outside time

My strawberries are really happy this year!

Cleo tongue!

Some pictures of Shadow and Cleo playing!

(Priceless picture of them looking at each other!)

One of my sad little pumpkin plants......next year I'm
going to add some dirt because the ground here is clay-like.

Baby pears coming!

Pomegranates too!!

Fuschia flowers- thank you Tia Zenobia!

Portraits of our Shadow boy!

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