This is up at the hill again. Elizabeth (a little girl that I watch)
and Saila- I Love Saila's sweet little face! Kissy kissy!!

And I Love my handsome boy's face too- look at
what a cutie he will always be!

I Love this picture of Sadie too! She is so hard to
photograph and YAY!! Gotcha!

A Wish Plant (thistle, I know!)- if you look closely
there is a green bug on the flower!

Doggy booty- I really like this picture for
some reason, I don't know if it's the trail thru the
grass, the colors, the dogs that I Love, the blue blue
sky, the tree silhouettes, the angle.....I'm not sure!

My boy and me

Sadie Girl!

This is Open House at Saila's school- she did some VERY
cute and educational projects this year and she had a
fantastic time! She learned so much, it's amazing!

Her desk! It's not usually this "messy." These are papers
that she and her teacher wanted us to see.

Saila and Grandma! (Yes, that's a tattoo
under her neck!)

We are soooo proud of our Princess!!

Mrs. Hynds- Johnny had her when he was in Kindergarten
too! She is amazing and we LOVE her!!

An example of her writing at the beginning of the year.
See what an amazing little artist and colorer she is!

Wow, Dada- it's been 31 years since you sat at your
Kindergarten desk! WOW!!!!

Johnny's Open House and his science experiment that
he had to display. We checked to see if pea plants grow better
in red, blue, or normal light.

Grandma, Saila, Johnny, Papa, and Dada

All of us at the Open House! There were a lot of cool
displays there....did you know that there are MORE
bacteria on a door knob than in a dogs mouth?? And
that Crayola markers way outlast RoseArt? And also
that colored candles burn slower than white ones?

Stephanie and Krissy and Krissy's 40th Birthday party!!
Rob took this one- I couldn't make it cuz I was laid OUT on the
couch with the flu!

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