Here is my Aunt Cheryl (looking so cute!), with my handsome
Grandpa and my Aunt Jayne and her bee-hive hairdo!
I'm pretty sure this is the 60's, right?

My Papa Alberto - the 40's

My dad

My dad in 1972- 38 years old

This is 1977- My mom with her friends (whom she
met out here but were from Michigan too) Lynelle
and Bill Dodge

My brother Tit0, (middle) when I was 3 years old

A Lens family picnic, Bolivia

My Great Grandfather on my Grandfathers

My Great Great Grandfather and his second wife, May.
My mom told me that she died hours after he died.

My Grandpa's sisters daughter- so my mom's
cousin Suzanne. (1970's)

I remember when my mom took this picture. I remember looking
out the window at the warm, dark rainy night. I remember
watching the world light up outside and then waiting for the
crash of thunder. It was a strong storm and we were scared.

My sister Marylou, my Aunt Jayne, and me at Grandma's
house in Kalamazoo, MI.

My Uncle Dave and my Aunt Jayne with their
dogs- this is a really good picture!

My Grandpa and Grandma, my Aunt Cheryl, with me
and Marylou - 1977

My dad when he met my mom

My dad and mom in the 70's

My parents by the '69 Bug that my mom bought
brand new!

My Great Grandma Chrisman with my Grandpa,
my mom and my Aunt Cheryl- 1940's

My dad is all the way to the right

My handsome Grandpa with either my mom or my

My Aunt Cheryl and my mom

My beautiful mother!



I've just been thinking a lot about family lately.....
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